Juno is a low fidelity simulator that allows nursing students to practice various skills, including IV insertion, tracheal and nasogastric suctioning, and wound care, among others. While most simulators are small-scale replicas of particular parts of the body, Juno gives students the opportunity to train on a life-size model that has interchangeable male and female anatomy.
“There was an immediate demand to use Juno when it arrived at the beginning of the semester,” said Dr. Megan Lippe, assistant professor and simulation specialist in the Capstone College of Nursing. “This simulator is especially helpful to our students in the second semester of nursing courses, when they are learning several clinical skills.”
Juno includes pre-programmed sounds and speech responses to help heighten the reality as students practice. To date, Juno has been used to practice nasogastric tube and foley insertions, as well as wound and ostomy care skills.
A huge benefit for faculty is the ability to move Juno. While the college’s other life-size simulator weighs around 300 pounds, Juno weighs 100 pounds and can easily be transported.
“Our faculty love taking Juno into the classroom for demonstrations,” said Dr. Lippe. “It allows them to be more interactive and creative with their lectures.”
With Juno’s popularity spreading throughout the college, there is a need for a second to allow multiple students and classes to benefit from Juno’s learning capabilities.
“We admit around 120 students into each cohort in our undergraduate program and with just one Juno, we are limited in the amount of hands-on experiences we can provide,” said Dr. Lippe. “A second Juno would allow more students to have more time learning the skills needed to be successful in the field.”
We hope to raise $14,130 to purchase a second Juno to allow greater hand-on practice capabilities.