Click the Give Now button above to help the School of Social Work raise $10,500 for this year's passion project, the Washington, D.C. Policy and Advocacy Fly-In!
The School of Social Work's Passion Project supports UA students desiring to attend the Washington, D.C. Policy and Advocacy Fly-In. The D.C. Fly-In is a high-impact experiential learning opportunity for students to train in policy analysis and advocacy with speakers from the National Association of Social Workers, the Council on Social Work Education, and other policy and advocacy experts.
Through this Passion Project, UA students can waive their registration fee for the D.C. Fly-In, opening doors and expanding opportunities for students of all backgrounds to gain invaluable experience. With your help, we can set new records for the number of UA students who can participate in the D.C. Fly-In.
If you wish to support the School of Social Work in a different way, consider making a gift to the Social Work Society Gift Fund by going to